An English girl in New York

Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Why every day should be International Women's Day.

I may be a day late, but really, what date this post is published is completely irrelevant. International Women’s Day is celebrated annually on the 8th March and is a day that sees women and men alike raise their glasses to powerful women, be it Gloria Steinem, your own Mother, or the dinner lady, because let’s face it, every single woman is powerful and influential in one way or another.

I’m always conscious to write posts like this one, but then that insinuates I am embarrassed to be a woman with opinions and that in itself makes me angry. However, as the writer of a blog that attempts to position itself at the heart of sassy independence, I feel like it’s a matter that needs to be addressed. Note that I didn’t write female independence. Fluidity and humanity for the win.

The issue I have is that International Women’s Day is one singular day. One singular day that aims to bring to light contemporary issues such as domestic violence, sex trafficking and the gender pay gap, which, to a certain extent it  inevitably does. It is however, also a day that in turn leaves uneducated imbeciles to believe women are all ‘moan moan moan’, because where oh where is international men’s day? Please, behave. Oh, and International Men’s Day is November 19th, FYI.

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