So this isn't a particularly revolutionary post, or one with controversial views, it's simply an innocent rambling stemmed from the quote below:
‘Nothing will ruin your 20s more than thinking you should already have your life together.’
If there was ever a 'quote to live by', that right there, would be it. I aways just presumed that by my twenties I would have my shit together and know exactly where I was going with my life. But when I think about where I will be in five years time, I have absolutely no idea, and although this is terrifying, it should be exciting too.
Traditionally, you go through the whirlwind of final year at University, you graduate from the most exciting three years of your life, and then it simply feels like you've been shoved off a plank into the deep end, not knowing what direction is up.
When we look at the instagrams of colleagues, friends and that random girl we just like to stalk, we just assume that everybody's life is so much more glamorous and exciting than our own. When we feel a bit shit or are having a generally down day, we use social media as our point of reference to feel so much worse (that Walden filter on instagram can make anything look worthy of envy). But guess what, it's okay to feel lost and a little bit shit. Stop comparing your life to other people's. We're not supposed to have our shit together and that means that we can get away with so much more.
We're at that wonderful age when we can still get away with lying in bed
all day hungover on a Saturday, but we now simultaneously have
responsibilities that we dreamt of when we were in our early teens;
having your own place, working in an office and being able to wear heels
in the day. I'm not one for the cringe factor, but for now I'm going to have to suck it, as your twenties are about exploring, making mistakes, going on awful dates, getting too drunk and learning about yourself.
I realise I'm writing this as if only twenty-somethings are reading, but whether you're nostalgic for the past or desperately clinging to your teen years, know that you can look back on or look forward to your twenties in it's entirety. So I'm just going to sit here in my jammies with a cup of tea on a Sunday afternoon and look forward to next weekend when as routine states, I will be getting pissed as a fart and eating too much unhealthy food. Because I can.
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