An English girl in New York

Monday, 14 November 2016

Job Interview Struggles: What I've Learnt

Having quit my job as an Account Manager at a digital marketing agency to move to Sydney unemployed, I have had my fair share of job application mares. I have, however, learnt quite a few things about myself along the way which I hope you can both laugh at, empathise with and learn from.  

I’ve handed out so many CVs, applied online to umpteen roles and here I am, four weeks later, still unemployed and getting scarily close to the bottom of my savings. I've had three interviews so far; interviews for roles, which on paper, I am totally qualified for. But interviews which I have been far from successful in and have led me to reassess a few things about myself:

Wednesday, 9 November 2016

US Elections 2016: A day to remember for all the wrong reasons

Today, I watched the US election unfold in real time. Thanks to the time difference between USA and Australia, I saw America vote for their new president as it happened. No sudden horror when I awoke reminiscent of the Brexit vote, no exclamations that surely this can't be right, just a constant sinking feeling that what I was witnessing was actually happening; Trump was winning the vote. 

I'm not one to pretend I know the ins and outs of politics, and I hold my hands up and admit that my knowledge of political policies is far from perfect. This isn't a political piece outlining details, more than anything this is an opinion which highlights how deeply saddened I am at the fact one of the most influential countries in the world has voted for a man that believes women are inferior, global warming is a sham, and muslims should be banned from the US. I might not know a huge amount about politics, but what I do know is a few key facts. A few facts that point to Trump being a racist, homophobic, sexist pig. 
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