An English girl in New York

Wednesday, 9 November 2016

US Elections 2016: A day to remember for all the wrong reasons

Today, I watched the US election unfold in real time. Thanks to the time difference between USA and Australia, I saw America vote for their new president as it happened. No sudden horror when I awoke reminiscent of the Brexit vote, no exclamations that surely this can't be right, just a constant sinking feeling that what I was witnessing was actually happening; Trump was winning the vote. 

I'm not one to pretend I know the ins and outs of politics, and I hold my hands up and admit that my knowledge of political policies is far from perfect. This isn't a political piece outlining details, more than anything this is an opinion which highlights how deeply saddened I am at the fact one of the most influential countries in the world has voted for a man that believes women are inferior, global warming is a sham, and muslims should be banned from the US. I might not know a huge amount about politics, but what I do know is a few key facts. A few facts that point to Trump being a racist, homophobic, sexist pig. 

He openly bragged about the fact it doesn't matter what the media write about you, as long as you have a "young and beautiful piece of ass".

He said that sexual assault in the military is to be expected; "What did these geniuses expect when they put men and women together?".

He mocked people with disabilities. 

He compared Mexican immigrants to rapists and said that "the overwhelming amount of violent crime is committed by blacks". 

If someone that is capable of exerting these opinions so very publicly on others can be elected as president, then what we are looking at is a complete disaster, both for liberalism and the world. It is the absolute cherry on the cake for the poor political decisions that have led 2016. 

His win means that America has lost a chance to make history by electing the first female president. But hey, we're just aesthetically pleasing objects. Instead of hailing a female president, the US hands it's authority to a man who revels in ignorance and misogyny. He is literally a TV star with no experience of politics. Shall we ask Katie Hopkins to be our Prime Minister? Oh, go on then. 

Hundreds of individuals have fought for rights and dedicated their lives to altering the way individuals are treated; female rights, gay marriage, racial equality; all things which Donald Trump seems to utterly contradict and yet he is now the individual in position of power and prestige. He is the 'role model' for children and teens all over the US. It's not even laughable. Perhaps equally terrifying is the fact that the majority of voters bought into Trump's bullshit, meaning they are actually aligning themselves and celebrating his totally backwards views. Claps all round for the fact we have taken a massive leap backwards for humanity. 

Though this is America's ordeal primarily, Trump's triumph will effect us the world over. The future is looking pretty fucking bleak, and right now western society is really making me doubt humanity. They say love trumps hate, but in this instance, it's hard to believe. 


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