An English girl in New York

Tuesday 20 June 2017

What moving to NYC has taught me

At the beginning of June, I embarked on a new adventure and moved to New York City. One week in, I've written about my experiences, the highs and the lows, and what moving to the most thriving and sought after city in the world has taught me…

My first intro to NYC was a negative one. I was conned a silly amount of money by a taxi driver who pounced on little unassuming me at the airport, a deer in the headlights obviously lost in the big city. After charging me over three times the amount the journey should have been, said taxi driver then preceded to tell me that the people in NY are the nicest in the world. YEH OK MATE. Thankfully, despite not fitting into the category himself, the people of NY have been really bloody lovely and there's a sense of energy in the air that's almost tangible.


Thursday 1 June 2017

When life gets in the way

So it’s true, my blog has taken a backseat while I’ve been travelling and I haven’t written in far longer than is acceptable if I’m expecting my writing to be taken seriously. Shame on you, Hols. That’s not to say there aren’t tons of half-written posts stashed away on my laptop which didn’t make the cut. Half of said posts are full of exclamations like ‘WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO SAY???’, ‘THIS ISN’T FUNNY’, ‘FGS GET IT TOGETHER’. Evidently, giving in to writers' block and turning to a glass of red is way more fulfilling. If you’re reading this, this post has finally made it further than the ones left to die on my desktop and we’ve experienced a bloody miracle. 
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